Health & Safety Kids

How To Keep A Pacifier In Your Baby’s Mouth (Tips, Tricks & Hacks)

If you’ve been giving your little one a pacifier, then you probably know they are helpful in soothing your baby, and can even lead to safer sleeping given their link to reducing SIDS in newborns.

But a common frustration from parents is that it can be hard to keep a pacifier in a baby’s mouth.

The good news however is that there are definitely some solutions you can try.

So let’s take a look at why your baby may be spitting it out, and what you can do to keep a paci, binky, or dummy in your baby’s mouth for longer.

Why Do Babies Spit Out Pacifiers?


Parents know all too well that every baby is different, and this applies to children’s mouths as well.

Given the big differences in the size and shape of a baby’s mouth, lips and tongue, it’s not surprising that some pacifiers are more comfortable than others.

The good news is that pacis come in lots of styles (for example round tip vs orthodontic nipples), and there’s a good chance your baby has a preference for one over the other.

So if your child regularly spits out their pacifier, it’s worth buying a few different types so that they can experiment and hopefully you’ll be able to figure out which style they prefer best.


Something many parents don’t realize is that when it comes to texture, not all pacifiers are the same.

Again it’s therefore worth experimenting with different binkys, because as an example a child that sucks strongly will probably need a firmer nipple, while a baby that sucks more lightly will want something softer.


Pacifiers come in different sizes, and although the differences may appear slight to an adult, they can be significant to your baby.

It’s therefore important to give your child one that is the right size, and to go up in size as your baby grows.

This will ensure their paci is the correct size for their mouth and and fits well, which will reduce the chance of them spitting the binky out if it’s too big or too small.

How To Keep A Pacifier In Your Baby’s Mouth

Here are a few ticks and hack so to keep a pacifier in your baby’s mouth.

Place Several In Their Crib

If your baby frequently throws their pacifier out at night, one solution may be to place a few pacis around their crib or bassinet.

This way they should be able to find another one easily and put it in their mouths, provided they are old enough to know how to do this.

There are examples of parents putting up to 10 in their baby’s crib at night, so while you may not want to go this far, placing a few extras in the crib is definitely a solution worth trying.

Teach Better Sucking

To help keep your baby’s pacifier in their mouth, it could be worth doing a little training to improve your baby’s sucking.

This involves gently taking the paci away and out of your child’s mouth when they’re awake, with the intention that your little one starts sucking back more strongly in response.

This technique will hopefully teach your baby to improve their suction and therefore learn how to keep their binky in their mouth.

Pacifier Cords

Pacifier clip (also know as cords or leashes) attach to a pacifier to ensure the paci doesn’t fall to the ground.

For safety reasons cords should not be used when your child is sleeping, but under supervision they can be very helpful.

While they won’t strictly keep the pacifier in your baby’s mouth, they will keep the paci within reach, so it can easily be popped back in your child’s mouth whenever it falls out.

Pacifier Do’s & Don’ts


  • Follow the AAP‘s advise and only introduce a pacifier to your baby once they have established a solid breastfeeding routine. Starting too early could interfere with their breastfeeding routine.
  • Attempt to sooth your child in other ways before offering a pacifier, and consider whether your child is being fussy or if there’s is something else that is wrong, such as needing a diaper change. being overtired, or having an having an upset stomach is upset.
  • Ensure your baby’s pacifier is clean and dry at all times to protect your baby’s developing immune system.
  • Wash in soap and warm water if your baby is over 6 months, and sterilize if your baby is younger.
  • Only use 1-piece versions as these are safer and won’t come apart.
  • Use the correct size pacifier for your baby.
  • Regularly inspect and replace your baby’s binky every 4-8 weeks.


  • Force your baby to use a pacifier if they clearly don’t want to.
  • Use clips or cords when your baby is sleeping, because they pose a strangulation risk.
  • Use clips that are long enough to go round your baby’s neck.
  • Use the top or nipple from a bottle as a replacement.
  • Coat the pacifier with anything sweet like honey or sugar, because this could cause tooth decay.  As a side note, honey is not safe for children below the age of one.
  • Use a binky as a substitute for attention if your child needs to be soothed by you.

See Also:

Tori is mama to 3 year old Isabella and co-founder of Rockinbaby. She has a BSc in Psychology, is a certified yoga teacher and is a working mom. In her free time Tori loves cooking delicious foods and baked treats, entertaining and working out. Learn more about Tori here.

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