First Names Names

5 Letter Boy Names: 155 Strong, Handsome & Unique Options

Are you looking for the perfect five letter boy’s name?

Well, you’ve come to the right place then, because we’ve got a whopping 155 great options for you to choose from!

Choosing a name can be hard at the best of times, but if you’ve got a set number of letters that you’re aiming for, it can be even more challenging.

So to help you out, and to go with our list of the best 3 letter, 4 letter, 6 letter and 7 letter boy’s names, we’ve created a list of 155 cute, cool, handsome and unique boys names with 5 letters to choose from.

Let’s jump straight in.

5 Letter Boy Names

From 5 letter boy names that start with a, all the way through to y, take inspiration from our awesome and extensive list below:

  1. Aaron
  2. Abbot
  3. Abram
  4. Aidan
  5. Aiden
  6. Alban
  7. Allan
  8. Allen
  9. Alpha
  10. Alvin
  11. Angus
  12. Anson
  13. Arnie
  14. Asher
  15. Baron
  16. Basil
  17. Benji
  18. Bevan
  19. Bevis
  20. Blake
  21. Blane
  22. Bowen
  23. Boyce
  24. Brady
  25. Brett
  26. Brian
  27. Brody
  28. Brook
  29. Bruce
  30. Bruno
  31. Bryce
  32. Buddy
  33. Byron
  34. Calum
  35. Carlo
  36. Casey
  37. Cerri
  38. Chase
  39. Chris
  40. Clark
  41. Cliff
  42. Clive
  43. Clyde
  44. Colin
  45. Conor
  46. Cosmo
  47. Craig
  48. Daley
  49. Danny
  50. Darby
  51. David
  52. Derke
  53. Devon
  54. Dixon
  55. Donny
  56. Drake
  57. Dusty
  58. Dylan
  59. Eamon
  60. Edgar
  61. Elias
  62. Elmer
  63. Elvis
  64. Emile
  65. Ernie
  66. Felix
  67. Floyd
  68. Flynn
  69. Garry
  70. Garve
  71. Gavin
  72. Giles
  73. Glenn
  74. Grant
  75. Griff
  76. Hardy
  77. Harry
  78. Hayes
  79. Heber
  80. Idris
  81. Isaac
  82. Jacob
  83. James
  84. Jason
  85. Jerry
  86. Jesus
  87. Jimmi
  88. Judah
  89. Jules
  90. Keane
  91. Kegan
  92. Keith
  93. Kelly
  94. Kerry
  95. Lacey
  96. Laird
  97. Lance
  98. Lewis
  99. Lloyd
  100. Locke
  101. Logan
  102. Louis
  103. Lucas
  104. Lucky
  105. Major
  106. Mario
  107. Marlo
  108. Maxim
  109. Micah
  110. Mikel
  111. Miles
  112. Moses
  113. Niles
  114. Nolan
  115. Orson
  116. Oscar
  117. Pablo
  118. Parry
  119. Percy
  120. Peter
  121. Piers
  122. Powel
  123. Quinn
  124. Ralph
  125. Ramon
  126. Rhett
  127. Rider
  128. Riley
  129. Rocco
  130. Roger
  131. Roman
  132. Ronan
  133. Rufus
  134. Sasha
  135. Saxon
  136. Scott
  137. Shane
  138. Silas
  139. Simon
  140. Sonny
  141. Spike
  142. Terry
  143. Tiger
  144. Titus
  145. Trent
  146. Tyler
  147. Tyrel
  148. Tyson
  149. Upton
  150. Usher
  151. Vince
  152. Wayne
  153. Wiley
  154. Wyatt
  155. Yorke

Tips For Choosing A Good 5 Letter Boy Name

We hope this list is a valuable and inspiring resource in your naming journey, and that there are at least a few names that you love!

If you are still struggling to choose a name you love, here are some additional tips and hacks:

  1. A lot of parents will tell you the naming process takes time, so do not feel discouraged if you are finding it challenging to make a decision.
  2. A good way to start is to create a list of all the names you like. For now, keep the list as big as you wish.
  3. Next, begin eliminating some based on whether there are others on the list that you prefer. By being as ruthless as you can, you will hopefully narrow down to your top four or five favorites.
  4. Next up, say the potential name and your child’s surname aloud to get a sense of how they sound together.
  5. Don’t forget to check that the initials of the names don’t spell anything rude – if they do you’ll be very glad you did this quick check!
  6. If you feel like you are hitting a brick wall, try taking a break for a few days and then come back to the process again once your mind is fresher.
  7. And finally, remember that you don’t necessarily have to decide on your baby’s name before they are born. So if you have several potential names on your shortlist, you may want to wait until after your daughter is born, because by seeing her in the flesh you may be swayed towards one name over any others because it might suit her better!

See Also:

Nick is a passionate dad who co-founded Rockinbaby to share his parenting journey with other new parents. He has a BSc and MBA, and works as a senior marketing professional. In his spare time Nick loves watching sports, staying fit and traveling. Learn more about Nick here.

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