Baby Gear Health & Safety

Are Crayola Markers Toxic For Babies & Children?

Crayola have been making art supplies for over 100 years, so it’s no exaggeration to say they products have been making memories for decades.

Given many parents themselves grew up with Crayola products, you might have taken the safety of their markers or other items for granted until now.

But if you are now a parent yourself, you might be wondering if Crayola markers are toxic, or if they pose safety concerns for babies and children.

The good news is just like their crayons, Crayola markers are non toxic, so are therefore safe for babies, children and adults to use.

But are they safe to apply directly to your skin?

And what if your child eats a marker?

Let’s find out.

List Of Crayola Marker Ingredients

The exact ingredient information of Crayola markers is a trade secret, so unfortunately we are not able to find specific ingredient information.

However, the manufacturer state that their markers are made with six components consisting of:

  1. Color solution
  2. Porous plastic nib
  3. Plastic barrel
  4. Cotton filament (ink reservoir)
  5. End plug
  6. Cap

Additionally, the company states that most of the color solutions in their products are made from water and dyes.

Are Crayola Markers Toxic Or Non Toxic?

Fortunately, if you are curious as to whether these popular markers are toxic or not, the company have addresses this concern on their website.

The company state that all their Crayola (and Silly Putty) products have been evaluated by an independent toxicologist and found to contain no known toxic substances in sufficient quantities to be harmful to the human body.

Crayola also advise that their even if their products are ingested or inhaled, they are still not harmful to the human body (more on this later).

Incidentally this is similar to Play Doh, which is typically nontoxic and not poisonous, and is therefore unlikely to harm your child if eaten in small amounts.

However, one word of caution Crayola mention is that it is possible that your child could have a sensitivity to a particular ingredient in the marker, just as one could have a sensitivity or allergen to a certain food such as dairy or gluten.

Are Crayola Markers Vegan?

If you and your family choose to only buy cruelty-free products or support vegan-friendly products, you will no doubt want to know if the markers are vegan.

The company have stated in the past that they do not test their products on animals, but unfortunately it is not clear whether Crayola uses ingredients (or raw materials) that are tested on animals.

As we mentioned above, Crayola have not made their exact ingredients known to the public, but some reports suggest their products might contain milk casein, insect shells, beeswax and gelatin, which implies their products are not vegan friendly.

Are Crayola Markers Safe For Skin?

There is mixed advice around the safety of using Crayola markers on your skin.

Some people claim that because these products are non-toxic and washable, it’s fine if your baby uses them on their skin.

However, Crayola themselves strongly caution against and discourage using their products to make things like eyelinerlipstick, or other makeup.

This is because their art products are not intended to be used on a child or adult’s skin or face in this manner, and their products are not tested in the same way and to the same rigorous ways as makeup is tested before being approved for sale.

This suggests that the odd scribble on your child’s skin is nothing to worry about, although if skin irritation occurs, you should wash the affected area with soap and water.

However, you should certainly stop your baby or child from using a Crayola marker to draw on their face, and make sure in particularly they avoid drawing on their lips or eyes.

What If Your Baby Eats A Marker?

Every parent knows that as their child moves through their developmental, there comes a stage where they want to put anything and everything in their mouth.

Even with the best of will and close supervision, it’s impossible to stop your child from doing certain things, so if they’ve put one in their mouth, you might be wondering if this is dangerous.

As we covered above, Crayola say that all their products have been tested and evaluated by an independent toxicologist and found to contain no known toxic substances in sufficient quantities to be harmful to the human body, even if ingested or inhaled.

So going by this, as long as it’s not a regular occurrence, there’s no need to worry if your child eats a Crayola marker.

If your baby does eat a marker, it’s a good idea to give them some water and a small snack such as a puff or a few Cheerios to take the unpleasant taste away and reduce the chances of an upset stomach.


  • Crayola markers are made from 6 ingredients: a porous plastic nib, a plastic barrel, a cotton filament (ink reservoir), an end plug and a cap.
  • Most of the color solutions are made from water and dyes.
  • The products are not toxic, even if ingested or inhaled, and they are not thought to be suitable for vegans.

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Tori is mama to 3 year old Isabella and co-founder of Rockinbaby. She has a BSc in Psychology, is a certified yoga teacher and is a working mom. In her free time Tori loves cooking delicious foods and baked treats, entertaining and working out. Learn more about Tori here.

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