Names Nicknames

100 Best Teddy Bear Names (Cute, Funny, Boys, Girls)

Your child may see a lot of toys come and go during their childhood, but there’s probably nothing that lasts as long or is as important as their teddy bear.

A teddy or stuffed animal can be anything from a friend or play buddy to a lovey that can help provide emotional support when dealing with stressful experiences like starting daycare or preschool, or transitioning out of a crib.

And just like an imaginary friend or doll, your little one’s most important childhood toy certainly needs an awesome name.

So take inspiration from our list of 100 of the best teddy bear names, from cute and funny teddy bear names to popular and unique names for both boy and girl teddy bears.

Cute Teddy Bear Names

If you are looking for a super cute (and unisex) name for a teddy bear, take inspiration from some of these great examples of cute stuffed animal names:

  1. Angel Bear
  2. Baby Bear
  3. Bear
  4. Bitsy
  5. Boo Boo
  6. Bubba Bear
  7. Bubsy
  8. Buddy
  9. Buttons
  10. Cuddle Bug
  11. Cuddles
  12. Flat Teddy
  13. Fluffy
  14. Fun Bear
  15. Funshine
  16. Honey Bear
  17. Huggie
  18. Little Bear
  19. Pebbles
  20. Pookie
  21. Smiley Bear
  22. Snuggle Bear
  23. Snuggle Bug
  24. Stuffy Bear
  25. Sunny Bear
  26. Snowball
  27. Tickles
  28. Twinkles
  29. Twinky
  30. Wooly Bear
    brown bear in red and white striped knit sweater

Boy Teddy Bear Names

If your little one has a male / boy teddy bear or stuffed animal, here is some great naming inspiration we think you’ll love:

  1. Arthur
  2. Barry
  3. Benji
  4. Bob
  5. Bobby
  6. Bruce
  7. Charlie
  8. Danny
  9. Edmond
  10. Edward
  11. Eric
  12. Ernie
  13. Freddy
  14. Gussy
  15. Harry
  16. Henry
  17. Johnny
  18. Noddy
  19. Oscar
  20. Paddy
  21. Ralph
  22. Rufus
  23. Tommy
  24. Vinny
  25. Woody
    brown bear plush toy

Girl Teddy Bear Names

If your little one has a girl stuffed animal or female teddy bear, take inspiration from some of these great names:

  1. Abby
  2. Bella
  3. Betty
  4. Betsy
  5. Candy
  6. Coco
  7. Dollie
  8. Ellie
  9. Frankie
  10. Gracie
  11. Hannah
  12. Holly
  13. Lily
  14. Lola
  15. Maddie
  16. Millie
  17. Mollie
  18. Nancy
  19. Peaches
  20. Peggy
  21. Petals
  22. Polly
  23. Sammy
  24. Zaza
  25. Zuzu
    brown bear plush toy on sofa

Funny Teddy Bear Names

Why not have a little extra fun when naming your child’s teddy by using one of these names, which can be a hit when introducing the teddy to adults and relatives!

  1. Blubba Bear
  2. Chubby Bear
  3. Eddy The Teddy
  4. Freddie The Teddy
  5. Fuzzy Wuzzy
  6. Grumpy Bear
  7. Shreddy
  8. Sir Teddy
  9. Teddington
  10. Tedster

Famous Teddy Bear Names

From Disney movies to book characters, teddy bears have been keeping adults and children amused for years; here are some of the most famous examples from history:

  1. Baby Bear
  2. Baloo
  3. Boo Bear
  4. Fozzie Bear
  5. Lotso (Huggin)
  6. Paddington Bear
  7. Pooh
  8. Rupert
  9. Ted
  10. Yogi Bear
    Paddington Bear bear wearing blue coat

How To Name A Teddy Bear or Stuffed Animal (Top Tips)

  1. Keep It Simple: Remember this is your child’s toy, not yours, so you definitely want to make sure your child’s teddy has a name that’s easy to remember and pronounce!
  2. Don’t Force It: There may be some names that you or your partner really love, but if your child isn’t keen on these names then it’s best not to force the issue.
  3. Look At The Bear: Take cues from what the bear looks like when choosing its name. For example, a thin teddy bear suits a name like “Flat Teddy”, whereas a name like “Chubby Bear” would work well for a bear that’s on the larger side.
  4. Make A Shortlist: Struggling to narrow down to just one name? Try writing the most promising names on a list and say the names out loud with your little one.
  5. Test Out The Name(s): Even once you’ve chosen a name it can take a few days for it to be accepted by both you and your child. So if you still can’t decide on a few names, try calling the bear by two or three names at the start and see which one sticks.

See Also: The Ultimate Guide To Nicknames & Baby Names

Nick is a passionate dad who co-founded Rockinbaby to share his parenting journey with other new parents. He has a BSc and MBA, and works as a senior marketing professional. In his spare time Nick loves watching sports, staying fit and traveling. Learn more about Nick here.

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