Names Nicknames

50 Good Imaginary Friend Names (Cute, Funny, Sweet, Cool)

Children have vivid imaginations, and many times this leads them to create an imaginary friend in their minds.

Typically, children who develop imaginary friends create them because they find it enjoyable, and from a parent’s point of view it can be a pretty cute thing to observe.

Some kids will automatically find a name for their imaginary companion, while others might need mom or dad to offer a few suggestions.

So to give you and your little one some inspiration, let’s take a look at 50 of the best, cutest and funniest imaginary names.

Imaginary Friend Names

  1. Alice
  2. Aylo
  3. Bacon
  4. Bailey
  5. Barnie
  6. Bear
  7. Besty
  8. Blue
  9. Bobby
  10. Boo Boo
  11. Booba
  12. Bubsy
  13. Candy
  14. Captain (insert name)
  15. Casper
  16. Coco
  17. Daisy
  18. Elmo
  19. Fifi
  20. Franklin
  21. Giggles
  22. Goldie
  23. Happy
  24. Kimmy
  25. La La
  26. Lady (insert name)
  27. Lou Lou
  28. Lucky
  29. Mac
  30. Maggie
  31. Millie
  32. Miss (insert name)
  33. Miss Sugar
  34. Missy
  35. Mr Jingles
  36. Mr Snuggles
  37. Peanut
  38. Pebbles
  39. Peggy
  40. Percie
  41. Rocky
  42. Sparkles
  43. Spooks
  44. Stewie
  45. Tinkerbelle
  46. Tiny
  47. Tootsie
  48. Twinkles
  49. Waffles
  50. Winnie

Tips For Creating An Imaginary Friend Name

There are unlimited possibilities when creating a name for an imaginary friend, so let you and your child’s imagination run wild!

Much like choosing a nickname for your son, daughter or even naming a teddy bear or doll, it’s good to think about things like personality, traits linked to appearance and even how easy the name is to pronounce.

Some other helpful tips on choosing an imaginary friend name include:

  1. Simple Is Best: Remember this is your child’s imaginary name, not yours, so the name should definitely be one they like and find easy to remember and pronounce!
  2. Don’t Force It: There may be some names that you prefer, but if your child doesn’t seem overly keen on a name, it’s best not to force the issue.
  3. Imagine The Friend: Ask your little one to describe their imaginary friend, and then use these answers to help choose the name. This is not only effective, but also a lot of fun too!
  4. Test Run The Name: Once you’ve come up with a potential name or two, start using the name and see if it sticks. If your child starts using this name without being prompted and appears to like it, you know you’re on to a winner!

Related: The Ultimate Guide To Nicknames & Baby Names

Nick is a passionate dad who co-founded Rockinbaby to share his parenting journey with other new parents. He has a BSc and MBA, and works as a senior marketing professional. In his spare time Nick loves watching sports, staying fit and traveling. Learn more about Nick here.

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